Saturday, April 29, 2017


Actually, We ARE Blessed.

We could list all the things that have gone wrong or trouble us, but why not take a different perspective? God has been so amazingly good to us. And we praise Him for that.

Here are a few reasons to Praise Him ...

1. Salvation. 

We celebrated Easter this month. I often wonder, "Why it is that we are so closed mouth about this the rest of the year? Where would we be without Him?"

2. His Protection. 

Austin was in a car accident this month. The Jeep was totaled, but Austin walked away unharmed!

3. Family.

Everyone was together for the week after Easter. What a joy to enjoy one another in the same place.

4. Extended Family

Tina was even blessed to have her kids and their families visit. Then they all headed to Florida for some time on the beach and at Disney.

Austin, Cody, & Loran

5. New Home.

Daniel and Tina are still loving their new home in the Historic District of Savannah. Of course, having a home brings other blessings too, such as sanding the floors!

6. Great Neighbors

Our sweet neighbor, Sheena is studying to be a stylist. She was asked to help Miss Tennesee for the next level pageant. Sheena has to turn in a portfolio, so she needed a volunteer face. :)  She asked Mikaela to give a few hours of her time. Here are the results ...

7. Great Friends, eh um, I mean boyfriend.

Mikaela & Ethan ~ Easter 2017

8. And we can't forget the GRANDPETS

Brian's AJ

Brian's Chester

Daniel & Tina's Lexie

So, What are your blessings this month?

 Leave us a note in the comments.

Love & Blessings!

The Farmers

Thursday, April 6, 2017

No Fooling : It's April!

You know what they say. March comes in like a Lion and out like a lamb!
We blew right through March but had some nice turn of events as well.


Mikaela started a job at the local "bread store". This is one of those little stores that sell day old bread. She is enjoying the work AND the paycheck.

Brett also accepted a new position as assistant manager at a local sports store, Thompson's Sporting Goods. They deal in team uniforms, equipment & trophies.


Michael had an opportunity to fill-in at the Bloomingdale Church of the Nazarene one Sunday this month. I may be biased but I thought he did a jam up job. He'll be preaching on Palm Sunday at Harvest Church where we attend. Churches can contact us anytime for supply work.

Mandy has her first speaking engagement set in May. She'll be speaking at a Mother-Daughter Tea. Pray for her as she pulls together her topic.  You can still sign up to receive her devotions twice a week.

Just click here >> How Long, Oh Lord?

Keep us in your prayers. Health issues keep popping up for both of us. And speaking seems to take just about everything out of us.


Over at Daniel & Tina's place, we celebrated Austin's 18th birthday. Can you believe that? Where did the time go? Michael was also privileged to participate in Austin's baptism as he re-dedicated his life to the Lord!

See ya next month!

The Farmers
Michael & Mandy
Daniel, Tina, Austin
Brian, Brett, Mikaela