I’m linking up with Kate for Five Minute Friday. The rules are simple. Type for 5 minutes unedited, link up and comment on the writer before you.
The word this week “celebrate”
I'm reminded of a group I sang with during my teen years. It was teens from all different churches in the community. We would learn a new musical each year and then travel around singing it.
I believe the first one I sang in was called "Celebrate Life"
It still comes to mind often because of a portion we acted out. The narrator was sharing about the Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem through the crucifixion. All the singers left the stage and lined up down the center of the church.
We began shouting praises and hosannas turning as an imaginary Jesus walked down the aisle. As He got closed the cheers began to turn to jeers and yelling out Crucify Him.
Suddenly, all was quiet.
From the back of the room you heard the hammering of the nails that pierced His hands and feet. Those hammers went right through me every time. We probably performed that musical 30 or more times.
It always affected me the same. And still does when I think about it.
I'm reminded of a group I sang with during my teen years. It was teens from all different churches in the community. We would learn a new musical each year and then travel around singing it.
I believe the first one I sang in was called "Celebrate Life"
It still comes to mind often because of a portion we acted out. The narrator was sharing about the Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem through the crucifixion. All the singers left the stage and lined up down the center of the church.
We began shouting praises and hosannas turning as an imaginary Jesus walked down the aisle. As He got closed the cheers began to turn to jeers and yelling out Crucify Him.
Suddenly, all was quiet.
From the back of the room you heard the hammering of the nails that pierced His hands and feet. Those hammers went right through me every time. We probably performed that musical 30 or more times.
It always affected me the same. And still does when I think about it.
Isn't it so powerful to think about! SUCH a celebration that our Savior loved us so much that he died on the tree just so that we could LIVE...and we CELEBRATE because He is risen!