Saturday, October 17, 2015

Day 17 : Just Do it

"How to Help Your Chronically Ill Friend"

Proverbs 19:17 

“Whoever is generous to the poor 

lends to the Lord, 

and he will repay him for his deed.”

The greatest blessing one can have is a friend willing to help out. 

The worst thing one can do is NOT to accept their offer of help. Put your pride aside and allow the Lord to bless others because they are blessing you. It's often hard to know what to tell them, but make a list of every possible thing you can let some one do for you, then when they ask, give them the list and let them choose something. I'm preaching this especially to caregivers, who tend to let themselves get worn to a frazzle doing everything themselves. Please .. They want to help so give them something to do, otherwise by the time you need them, they will not be around to offer help.

You've heard the story of a man that was caught in a flood. He got up on the roof to avoid drowning and he prayed to God to save him.

A man in a row boat came by and offered him a ride in his boat, but he refused the ride, "God is going to save me, he said."

Next a speed boat came near. They shouted out that they had room, would he like a ride. He answered again, "No, God is going to send me some help."

As the waters rose, finally a helicopter came by and dropped a line down to him but he waved them on saying that his God would save him.

Finally, the man drowned and went to heaven.

He asked "God, why didn't you save me?"

God answered, "What do you mean? I sent you a rowboat, a speed boat, and a helicopter. Why didn't you accept their help?"

This is how we act sometimes, 
we refuse help from God
 if it doesn't come packaged the way
 we think it ought to be packaged.

One note to friends ...

Do like NIKE and "Just Do It!"

Tweet: Just Do it   #Write31Days

If the Lord lays something on your heart, just do it.

Little things can go a long way.

Here's a few ideas .. Be insistent and specific
  1. When you go to the store,  pick up a few items for them. This could be groceries, postage stamps, a desert, a pizza.
  2. Sit with them, so the caregiver can get out for a few minutes or get something done. Don't ask, just do it. Trust me, they're lonely.
  3. Entertain their children. (Our daughter didn't have a way to get out for fun. She would also have appreciated a driving lesson that her dad wasn't free to do)
  4. Wash their car.
  5. Mow their grass.
  6. Bring them a meal.
  7. Just dropping by to visit.
  8. Buy them a gift certificate for a massage.
  9. Put a reminder in your app to call them once a week/month.... Then do it.
  10. Whatever God puts on your mind, Just Do It!

Do you have any suggestions to add?

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  1. excellent ideas! gift cards are good too. grocery stores, walmart or even fun ones like Starbucks or somewhere for ice cream.

    1. Yes, I love these ideas. Gifts cards or cash have been very helpful for us during visits to Mayo Clinic. While insurance pretty much handled the medical cost, there was also lodging, meals, and travel to deal with!

  2. I love this reminder. I have been on both sides and I learned many years ago to let people help me. It really does bless others to serve in their gifting of service because that is what they were created to do. I believe by saying {Yes!} to one of my friends our friendship grew and is stronger today because of it. I have heard others recommend not asking what can we do but just doing things like bringing a meal; mowing the lawn; inviting the children out; etc. Sometimes, as a caregiver, or the one who has lost someone, you can feel so overwhelmed you don't know what to have others do. I would only add to clean the house or offer to do laundry. I love the gift card idea. Great post sweet friend!!! God bless!!!

  3. good ideas .. clean the house .. do the laundry oh yes! These jobs fell on our daughter. She did all that and more during her four years in high school! Without complaining, I might add.

  4. I love this list. I know we need help and sometimes are afraid to ask. When a crisis hits, I will make a list and when someone says what can I do. I plan to hand it to them and say choose one. I know sometimes we are afraid to ask for help. But God puts into situations sometimes so that we have to. He is training others to help us so that they can be used of Him.

  5. Being vulnerable enough to allow someone in to help and clean can be tough but so worth it. A good list of ideas!

  6. I was drawn to your words "we refuse help from God".

    1. oops...dont think the whole comment made it....and am reflecting on ways I may do that

  7. Good list. Someone gave us gas cards and clinic/hospital meal cards - before we needed them, I had never thought of those.
    Learning to accept help is a big deal!

  8. Great ideas! "Whatever God puts on your mind, Just Do It!" AMEN to that. :) Blessings to you, Amanda!

  9. Practical ideas of how to help and great encouragement to the helpers on asking for help. Thanks for sharing them.

  10. The more I learn to listen for His whisper, the more practical His intervention. He's so good that way!


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