Monday, October 26, 2015

Day 26 : Not Too Far From Here

Mini-Concert Continued ...

After 3 years of chronic pain, I seemed to be making progress. I used the word "seemed"  because I want those with invisible diseases are dealing with much more than you may realize.

One must remember that what you see is not always what you get. People who suffer from chronic pain (and other chronic issues) are showing you their best. When you see them at church please know that they are putting their best foot forward. You may not realize that they return home and collapse for the rest of the day. You may not realize that they are really at the edge of tears.

I have learned to hold back judgement when I see people park in the handicap spaces or use an electric shopping cart. You really have no idea what may be going on with them. They may look  like they could run a race as they walk into Walmart, but by the time they come out, they have exerted every muscle and their pain receptors are yelling  and screaming at them to please sit down.

This journey has really taught me to think of others and to understand that they have silent pain that no one knows about. I try to give folks the benefit of the doubt now and just assume that they are struggling whether it seems like it or not.

I know now that many are suffering much more than I. Those right next to me could be suffering a great deal.

Not Too Far from Here

by Kim Boyce

In case you missed it, the previous songs in my mini-concert.

Blessings by Laura Story

Immortal, Invisible by Cynthia Clawson 

In The Garden

When Answers Aren't Enough


  1. So true that you can never judge how much someone is suffering. I have to remind myself of this often in supporting friends with chronic conditions.

  2. Hi, I have a chronic condition and so identify with your post. Thanks for encouragement and telling our story.

    1. So glad that it has been an encouragement to you. It is my hope that others are becoming aware of the challenges through this blog challenge

  3. Often on the verge of tears - I realize this about a close friend who attends church with everything that is in her, encouraging others with a smile and always a few jokes. But I know she's always in pain and I feel so for her. I love the song "Blessings", such truth there.
    Thanks for these wise words!


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