Thursday, December 10, 2020

A 2020 Christmas Letter from the Farmers


We are confident that we scarcely need to tell you how our life has been this year, but our 20/20 Vision has cleared, and we are confident that God remains faithful and good. We praise His Name continuously.

Yet I am confident I will see the Lords goodness,

 while I am here in the land of the living. Psalm 27:13


Mikaela & Ethan

Ethan and I are thankful to have had jobs throughout the pandemic thus far. Our jobs are 'essential' since Ethan works for FedEx and I work at the Bread Store. We are also thankful to have stayed healthy thus far. It has been a blessing to continue to be able to fulfill all our duties with our secular jobs as well as our spiritual jobs since we were also a part of the 'COVID-19 lockdown ministry team' that helps run the live streams and do the music while we were in lockdown for the first several months of the pandemic in America. The lockdown has made us appreciate the simple ability to socialize even with family.



I really enjoy running video and sound at church. It has been a little more challenging this year as we not only had Sunday services live but also Wednesday night Bible Studies. I was deeply honored and surprised to receive the Distinguished Service Award from the church; I was just getting good at preparing steaks on the grill. This year I have been trying my hand at steaks on the gas stove. Aside from the smoke alarms sounding, it has been an awarding task.




On the occasions I have been able to fly [as part of my free employee benefits], I've enjoyed having extra space. Delta's policy of keeping center seats open means extra legroom and more comfort on the plane. When not traveling to Savannah, I have been able to join my family virtually at church. This is thanks to Brett for his techie abilities at the church sound board. And I am always blown away at the talent of my sister on the guitar.


Daniel, Tina & Austin

We are all thankful for good health, and for being able to be close to our parents and siblings with Brian being the only long-distance sibling. Thankful we have been able to see him frequently throughout the year. Thankful to be able to be church leaders this year, through all the craziness that is 2020. Thankful that it is December, which means 2020 will end soon.




Through the grace of God and good friends, we managed to move to a smaller, cheaper apartment in March. Ironically, just in time to stay apart from each other though within walking distance of Mikaela and Ethan. So nice that they can peek in us more often. We have found creative ways to travel this year. We Zoomed in on Mandys parents in Nebraska several times along with her siblings from Wisconsin, Texas, Nebraska, New Jersey, and Kentucky.

Mandy's parents, Gene & Elaine Dawson

We visited most of the 50 states via Aerial America on the Smithsonian Channel, and back in time by binge-watching old TV series like Andy Griffith, MASH, The Waltons, NCIS, Columbo and further back to the revolution with the TURN series. Mandy continues to blog with friend Michele Bruxvoort. but has also enjoyed writing Bible Studies with a womens online group, Gracefully Truthful. Her studies pop up about once a month. She was excited to write for this years Advent Series which was published in book form.


In the World


While we have attended both Harvest Church and Bloomingdale Church of the Nazarene  in Chatham County virtually, we have also been logging in to Greg Lauries Harvest at Home worship services every Sunday. Harvest Church has taken this pandemic seriously and are going live 6 or 8 times each weekend. We appreciate that Greg always preaches a Bible-based sermon and never finishes up without an invitation to accept Jesus as Lord. He gives each new believer a New Testament. This year they have had over 140,000 professions of faith. If for no other reason, this makes the pandemic well worth it! This could be the start of a New Great Awakening. At the same time, we invite you to pray for the persecuted. The pandemic has also caused greater oppression among believers in many places.


We hope and pray that you will have a peaceful and quiet Christmas Celebration where you find 20/20 Vision and True Hope in Christ.


The Farmers’

Michael & Mandy, Daniel & Tina, Austin, Brian, Brett, Ethan & Mikaela


Mandy & Michael Farmer

100 Saint George Blvd  Apt 803

Savannah, GA 31419