Wednesday, June 1, 2016

What we Learned at the Beach

We were privileged to spend a week at Tybee Island.
Here are a few things we learned while we were there.

"It's good to get away and just breathe."

"It feels so good to hang out with the family!"

 "Sand is difficult to keep out of your stuff." - Brett

"Riding bikes on the beach is harder than you might think!
Tina & Mikaela

"Drink plenty of water and use sunscreen"
[Austin suffered from dehydration]

Note: As the ancients did, bad things are not recorded :)

"Mikaela still makes delicious cinnamon rolls." - everyone

 "Sand gnats are merciless." 
We should bottled them up and released them across enemy lines.
 I had over a dozen bites on my ankles alone.

It's better to watch the sunset from the roof of your beach house
 than down on the beach. [because of the previous]
 - Mandy

"Sea Gulls and Dolphins love to hang around shrimp boats"

"If you are looking for a delicious smoked Boston Butt, see our son Daniel"

"Ship watching is pretty cool,too"

Click above for pics

Love Crunch Granola is awesome. 
This is not an affiliate link. It's just an awesome snack.
- Tina & Austin

"Grandpa Dawson still loves ice cream."

Probably the two most important things we realized again were these ...

If you really want to be amazed & dazzled
at what God can do, 
go to a beach and watch the sunset! 
- Michael & Mandy

I got called on this picture, 
but please note that if you look closely, 
you will see that I am leaning on my cane! ha!

We are so blessed to have parents 
that will treat us to a blessing
such as a Beach House for a week! 

- Michael, Mandy, Daniel, Tina, Austin, Brett, & Mikaela

The most awesome Grandma & Grandpa

 Just being together with family doing nothing is the best therapy ever!
Thanks Mom and Dad!

Michael, Mandy
Daniel, Tina, Austin
Brett, Mikaela

tongue emoticon


  1. What a great time you must have had, other than the dehydration incident. It is fun to spend time with family especially at such a relaxing and beautiful setting! :)

  2. You are blessed indeed! And, just what you needed!

  3. Love the beach! Beautiful pictures.

  4. Thanks for the info on the socks. I might get a pair. I have an old Mary Kay foot/leg lotion that is minty. I like it, but don't think they make it anymore. I've always wanted to go to Savannah. I've read a book set in Tybee Island by Mary Kay Andrews.

    1. Somehow this reply is on a different post but no matter. :)
      Just bought the Mary Kay cream recently. They used to have several "flavors" but now only sell the mint.


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