Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Day 13 : Fear

So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, 
but what is unseen.
For what is seen is temporary, 
but what is unseen is eternal.
2 Corinthians 4:18


We’ve all had it a time or two in our lives. FEAR  of the dark.

FEAR of spiders.    FEAR of heights.    FEAR  of small places. 

FEAR of death (ourselves or loved ones).

You Name it, We've Had it

 When you are dealing with a sickness you experience FEARS of every kind. 

You move from one FEAR to another. 

You resolve one FEAR and then another is looking you in the face. 

But in reality,
Most of the time, what we fear the most, never happens 
 Tweet: Most of the time, what we fear the most, never happens. http://ctt.ec/jmefB+

When I was small I was afraid of the dark. When the lights went out, the FEARS came out. I thought that the devil was under my bed. His long, gnarly fingers would come up around my bedside keeping me frozen with Fear. I saw large figures around my room waiting to grab me. All I could do was to pull the covers up over my head and HOPE that I was SAFE from the enemy.

What I figured out as I grew older was that those shadows I saw were just things around the room. .. Maybe a robe hanging on the bed post or the chair. I realized that between my nearsightedness and the moonlight making shadows, I was not seeing reality. I learned that what I really preferred was complete darkness, because in total darkness, there was nothing to see.

Oh, that we would take this to the spiritual level and TRUST GOD in the dark. 

To realize that the things we see are distorted by the enemy…. figments of our imagination. 

Isn’t it true that we take the little bit that we know 

and then let our minds run wild 


 But the Word of God says, 

"He has not given us the spirit of FEAR,
but of POWER and of LOVE and of a SOUND MIND."
 2 Timothy 1:7

Oh, that we would take cover under the shadow of His wings. 

Take HOPE in Him and know that we are SAFE in His Arms.

No Longer Slaves by Jonathan David & Melissa Helser


I’ve been reading 3-5 Psalms and 1 Proverb every day. I challenge you to give it a try.. Try this one today:

Psalm 13                                                      My Joy Dare
Psalm 43                                                          1. Blankets 
Psalm 73                                                          2. Flashlights
Psalm 103                                                        3. a God that Saves!
Psalm 133

Waiting & Hoping,


  1. I just love this! Thank you for the reminder to my terrified soul!

  2. I love the 2 Timothy verse - one of my favorites. I have struggled with fear for so long - however, I am no longer a slave to fear because I AM A CHILD of GOD!!!! Sweet post my friend!!!!

  3. I love this too. This post is a great reminder of why fear should not rule us. We have our confidence in Him. Thanks for sharing,.


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